


现在是加入不断发展的信息技术领域的绝佳时机。. 美国劳工统计局(BLS) projects employment in computer 和 IT 职业 to grow faster than the aver年龄 across all U.S. 职业. A great starting point is working as an IT support technician, where job opportunities are also 预计增长 快于平均水平.*

如果你对成为计算机或IT支持专家感兴趣, underst和 it can be the first step into an IT career path offering all sorts of opportunities for growth 和 advancement. 以下是你要成为一名IT技术人员并开始你的新职业生涯所需要做的事情:


2. 了解IT支持技术人员的角色

Jobs in IT technical support can vary widely in roles 和 responsibilities depending on who’s hiring, 以及他们在寻找什么. 所有 support positions will require a mix of duties related to an organization’s technology systems, 包括管理, 安装, 维护, 故障诊断和配置.

支持技术有不同的级别, with many technicians beginning their career in a level 1 position 和 leveling up as they earn additional education 和 experience:

  • 1级支持技术. The first level of IT support tech is responsible for h和ling basic issues from users or customers, 通常被称为“服务台”职位. 这些工作可以包括基本的技术故障排除和对简单IT任务的支持, 比如安装软件.
  • 二级支持技术. 下一级的支持通常包括直接的用户支持, 而不仅仅是通过电话提供支持. Level 2 techs more often provide desktop support when a user can’t solve the problem over the phone with a level 1 tech. These techs can potentially be more involved in directly fixing hardware or software issues, 甚至管理服务器.
  • 3级支持技术. While level 3 techs can occasionally support level 2 techs in direct user support when needed, 他们通常更多地参与服务器基础设施和管理数据中心. 这些工人, 有时被称为“工程师”或“管理员”,“通常拥有跨多种技术的一系列技能.

Expect to compete for level 1 jobs when you’re first starting your career in IT support.

你的 best bet to climb the ladder in IT support faster is to advance your education 和 pursue certifications you need to qualify for the higher paying jobs you really want.

如果你的目标是提升到3级IT支持职位(或者更高), 你应该为终身学习做好准备.


3. 接受IT基础教育

While it’s possible to find an entry-level job in IT support without experience or formal education, 这是为长期生活做准备的好方法, growing career in IT is building a strong foundational education in a postsecondary program.

你选择的教育道路取决于几个因素, 包括你想多快开始工作, 如果你想学习全职或兼职, 以及你的整体职业抱负. We offer multiple online learning options for students prepared to get started in IT support 和 continue building toward a long, 成长中的IT事业:

  • 资讯科技证书-技术支援. Get a fast start in IT in an 8-month certificate program 和 prepare for your first entry-level IT support job. Earning a baseline IT education 和 getting certified gives you a great opportunity to earn a good job right after graduation.
  • 信息技术理学副学士. 在短短16个月内毕业并获得副学士学位, 能够胜任IT支持工作, 为自己的进一步教育和职业发展做好准备.
  • 信息技术理学学士学位. Pursue a more traditional 4-year degree (that you might be able to complete in less than 3 years with Herzing), 你可以有资格获得更多的认证, 有资格获得更高级的职位, 并为在IT领域的晋升奠定了基础.

Firm educational requirements for jobs in IT support will vary by employer but proving formal IT education on your resume can be a great way to differentiate yourself from applicants who are trying to enter the field without any experience or training.

IT employers of all kinds seek dependable employees committed to bettering themselves 和 becoming more 和 more valuable.

通过采取行动获得教育, you’re proving to employers you are that committed valuable contributor they’ve been looking for.

类开始 9月4日



While it’s possible employers may not require a degree for certain IT support tech positions, 学习曲线可能会更大, 和 qualifying for future advancement can be a challenge when you’re competing against IT professionals with both similar experience to yours 和 a postsecondary education.

如果你的目标是开始和长, 成功的IT事业, the best thing you can do is begin to learn the skills 和 knowledge necessary for long-term success. 采用一种有教育意义的心态,你就能比那些坐以待毙的人获得优势.

通往你一直想要的事业没有捷径可走. 软件下载的存在是为了帮助您在充满挑战的水域中航行,并在您的工作中取得成功. 软件下载相信你是有幸运28计划.


4. 获得认证并获得工作资格

认证 can be an excellent way to help you prepare for jobs in IT support—和 prove to employers you’re qualified for the job.除了你的教育之外, 雇主在招聘过程中会非常重视证书.

根据2015年的一份报告 来自CompTIA的研究在美国,人力资源主管认为IT认证越来越重要. Nearly two thirds (66%) found IT certifications to be very valuable compared to only 30% three years prior. 整体, 93%的受访者认为IT认证很有价值, 72%的人认为这是某些工作岗位的必备条件.


CompTIA Security+是一个行业标准, 推荐给有抱负的IT专业人士的高度认可的认证. This certification proves that you underst和 和 can apply fundamental aspects of computer 和 network security.

该认证与供应商无关, 所以它并不完全专注于微软, Linux, 苹果iOS /, 或者其他大品牌或操作系统. 所涵盖的概念在所有类型的信息系统中都是通用的.

当你在Herzing大学注册任何IT幸运28计划时, 包括准备CompTIA Security+认证软件下载甚至会为你第一次通过考试支付费用!

5. 开始并推进你的职业生涯

软件下载的目标是成功启动和发展您的职业生涯:获得教育, 获得认证, 和 become qualified for your first entry-level job 和 become an IT support technician.





1. 这个幸运28计划的认证不是州的要求.

*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, 职业就业和工资统计2023 /职业展望手册2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.




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